The Dignity Roadmap — from Dr. Jocelynne Rainey, GOSO President & CEO There’s a recent documentary on HULU entitled, “Summer of Soul.” It centers

GOSO Justice Transformer of the Month: Sean Nuttall
Our GOSO Justice Transformer of the Month series continues, recognizing individuals from our community who are working to create a more equitable and vibrant world.

Dr. Rainey selected by Robinhood’s Power Fund as New Leader CoHort
Congratulations to GOSO’s President and CEO, Dr. Jocelynne Rainey for being selected as one of the newest leaders of Robinhood’s cohort the Power Fund. Dr.

GOSO Justice Transformer of the Month: Tasia Hawkins
We are proud to continue our Justice Transformer of the Month series, recognizing individuals from our community who are working to create a more equitable
Changing Norms and Finding Alternatives – Bringing an End to Gun Violence through Stand Against Violence East Harlem (SAVE)
Changing Norms and Finding Alternatives – Bringing an End to Gun Violence through Stand Against Violence East Harlem (SAVE) — June Message from Dr. Jocelynne Rainey, GOSO President
Leading New York City Reentry, Legal and Criminal Justice Policy Organizations Issue Open Letter calling for Criminal Justice Reform Commitments from 2021 Mayoral Candidates
An Open Letter to 2021 Mayoral Candidates on Criminal Justice/Reentry Reform (download pdf): Friday, June 18, 2021 Dear Candidates, We are a group of reentry,
GOSO Justice Transformer of the Month: Nicole Myers-Hudgins
Our GOSO Justice Transformer of the Month series continues, recognizing individuals from our community who are working to create a more equitable and vibrant world.
Join GOSO’s Ride Against Racism

WATCH: GOSO on ABC7NY to Discuss Children of the Pandemic
On Saturday, May 8th, GOSO was featured in a story on ABC7NY as one of the organizations working to help homeless youth during the pandemic.
The Undeniable Link Between Mental Illness and Mass Incarceration
The Undeniable Link Between Mental Illness and Mass Incarceration — May Message from Dr. Jocelynne Rainey, GOSO President & CEO Whenever I talk about