Dr. Nicole Brown, OVO speaker

Our Voices Ourselves Speaker: Dr. Nicole Brown

GOSO is honored to have Dr. Nicole Brown join us as a panelist at our October 17th, Our Voices Ourselves networking breakfast.

Dr. Nicole Brown is a general pediatrician and health services researcher with a deep expertise in addressing adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) in pediatric primary care. Her pioneering work extends to trauma-informed care, mental health integration, and community-partnered research. At the Children’s Hospital at Montefiore and Albert Einstein College of Medicine, she was instrumental in implementing universal ACEs screening across multiple practices and developing a trauma-informed care curriculum, significantly advancing care quality.

Dr. Brown graduated with a B.A. in Community Health from Brown University, completed an MPH at Yale, and received her MD from Stanford University School of Medicine. She completed her pediatric residency at Johns Hopkins and her fellowship training in health services research through the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Clinical Scholars Program at Yale. Her groundbreaking research, including studies on the impact of ACEs on ADHD and asthma in children, has been recognized with a prestigious NIH-NHLBI Loan Repayment Award.

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