Volunteer Spotlight: Action Board Member, Colleen Sullivan

Colleen (right) working on a resume with participant, Keybo!

Our incredible network of volunteers makes our work possible. They provide invaluable service that complements the work of our staff. Volunteers work with our participants as tutors, they help with resume writing and interview skills, aid in special events, and more! We’re grateful for everyone who spends time with our participants and who are invested in their success.

We’ll be spotlighting many of our passionate volunteers so you can get to know everyone who is a part of our organization!

This week, we’re introducing you to Colleen Sullivan who is a dedicated member of ourĀ Action Board, and has been volunteering with us for over a year! We asked her a few questions about her involvement with GOSO. Read below!

Where did you go to school and what do you do in the city?

I attended Middlebury College in Vermont and also lived in San Francisco for a while. I moved to New York a few years ago, and I work in the tech industry! I have a background in recruiting, so I feel like volunteering at GOSO has helped me share my expertise with others.

How do you volunteer your time at GOSO?

I’m really proud to be on the Action Board, alongside an amazing group of young professionals in the city. As a member of the board, I serve on the Program Committee, which offers support by helping with the daily things that go on at GOSO like the job readiness curriculum and volunteer opportunities. Most recently, I was on the steering committee for our first annual GOSOcial fundraising event, which was a huge success!

I also participate in the monthly Skill Building Workshop at GOSO, where we work on different professional skills like networking and interviewing. Whenever I have some free time, I like to see if there’s any way I can help out. I help to organize the donation closet and just started tutoring one morning each week!

Colleen (right) at the monthly Skill Building Workshop.

What’s your favorite thing about working with GOSO?

I really love the monthly Skill Building Workshop because I get to spend a lot of time with the participants and learn from them. At the end of the workshop, we always go around in a circle and share something we learned or enjoyed about it. It’s great to hear from everyone else something tangible that we’re taking away. I like that being here each month, you’re able to build strong rapport with people, so it’s always great seeing everyone and continuing to work together!

Why did you decide to get involved with GOSO?

I was volunteering at another organization called Books Through Bars and heard great things about GOSO through someone there. I knew I had to get involved. I believe that everyone deserves as many chances that they need to succeed in life, and I wanted to contribute in any way that I could.

Do you have a favorite memory that stands out to you?

One of the coolest things to happen was when one of the guys, Kevin, got a job that he worked really hard for. I got to know him well through the Skill Building Workshop and we hit it off! We worked together on perfecting his resume and practiced interviewing so he could ace his interview with a luxury hotel in the city. I was so excited for him when he landed the job at the hotel!

Is there any piece of advice you would share with our participants?

Don’t be afraid to reach out and let people know that you need help with any aspect of your life. Whether it’s mental, physical, emotional. There are always people, especially at GOSO, who are there to help you through anything.

How would you define the word “volunteer”?

A volunteer is someone is who shows up. It’s someone who when they’re there, they’re really THERE. They lend their time to help out in any way needed.