GOSO Participants, Adrian (left) and Charles (back) with Cubist volunteer, Oz (right).
Over the next few months our GOSOCorp program will be bringing a packed lineup of fun and meaningful activities with our fantastic network of corporate partners. What better way to kick off this exciting season than with a trip to the bowling alley?! Last week our participants joined a group of professionals from Cubist — a financial strategy firm — for an afternoon at Bowlmor Lanes in Times Square.
Everyone had a blast getting to know one another as they went head-to-head in bowling and billiards! Activities like these are a great way for our participants and volunteers to interact on a peer level and in a casual environment. It’s also a huge confidence booster for everyone — who doesn’t love to be cheered on after their strike or spare!
GOSO has always used productive partnerships with corporate teams to provide inspiration for our guys and support for our programming. GOSOCorp introduces participants to new industries and environments while providing volunteer opportunities to young professionals and leaders in their fields. And it helps that Cubist — a company that prides itself on fostering a culture of learning and a supportive, team-centered environment — has values that align perfectly with the type of community that GOSO seeks to create. We are incredibly excited to call them a partner, and this outing was just the start. Looking forward to what’s to come in the future with this group!
Enjoy some highlights from our bowling trip below: