GOSO focuses efforts on teaching both hard and soft skills that will be vital to ensuring our clients are competitive candidates in the job market, and ultimately successful in the workplace. Many people take for granted their ability to use Microsoft Office, navigate email, and even typing skills. For many of our clients, participation in GOSO is their first time being exposed to these important skills.
Computer Skills workshops are both a significant and a fundamental feature of our two-week Job-Readiness Curriculum. We know how important it is for our clients to become comfortable with, and ultimately master, these skills as they embark on their job search and application process.

Dashawn presenting his topic: “A Typical Day as a Baker’s Assistant at Nick + Son’s”)
In addition to our Basic Computer Skills Workshop, we have now added an Advanced Computer Skills Workshop centered around programs such as the Microsoft Office Suite (Word, Excel, and PowerPoint). And on Tuesday, August 21st, we hosted our first ever “GOSOTalks” event, where GOSO Guys practiced their public speaking skills — a nerve-racking prospect for almost anyone! — by delivering PowerPoint presentations on topics of their choice. Four young men presented on diverse subjects, such as personal experiences and careers, technology and education. For some of these young men, it was not only their first time creating a PowerPoint, but also their first time presenting in front of an audience.
Our audience for the evening comprised Board members, Action Board members, volunteers, and staff. As ever, our Guys were prepared and demonstrated expertise with their topics, leaving our audience of professionals satisfied and impressed.
GOSO is so proud of these individuals, who prepared effective and engaging presentations, and we find ourselves looking forward to similar future public speaking workshops.

Kevin presenting his topic: College or Real World.

Audience members — Board members, volunteers, and staff — follow the presentation attentively.

Eric presenting his topic: Augmented Reality (AR) v. Virtual Reality (VR).

Justin presenting his topic: his life.

Action Board Members (from left: Simone Hicks, Kalima Mayo-Perez, Emmanuel Onakoya, Marcus Byrd, Kwame Fynn, Matthew Satchell, Sarah Wolf)