GOSO President/CEO Mark Goldsmith
On October 20th, New York Nonprofit Media announced their annual “50 Over Fifty Awards” and GOSO’s own, Mark L. Goldsmith, is among this year’s honorees! Mr. Goldsmith is the Founder, President and CEO of Getting Out and Staying Out, and is being recognized by NYN Media for his work with GOSO and his decades-long commitment to improving the lives of justice-involved young men through supportive services.
Goldsmith, a retired cosmetics executive, first visited Riker’s Island over 15 years ago on a volunteer visit through the Department of Education’s Principal for a Day program. It was at Riker’s Horizon Academy that Mr. Goldsmith first met and interacted with young men in the criminal justice system. This first experience left quite an impression on Mr. Goldsmith, as he immediately saw young men with great potential for success. Ever since that first visit in 2003, Mr. Goldsmith has rededicated his life to helping young men achieve educational and career goals after their time in the prison system.
Mr. Goldsmith started GOSO as a mentoring program for incarcerated young men aged 16 to 24 years-old with the aim of providing stability in their lives upon reentry into their community. Since that time, Mr. Goldsmith has transformed GOSO into an organization that helps more than 1,500 men each year to achieve educational goals and jobs that lead to careers. Under Mr. Goldsmith’s stewardship GOSO has developed successful relationships with New York City’s Department of Corrections and Department of Education and partnered with dozens of other advocacy groups to provide educational and employment opportunities, while working to reduce recidivism rates in this highly vulnerable male population.
NYN Media honors 50 of New York’s most prominent and accomplished leaders in various non-profit sectors over the age of 50 who continue to make a positive impact on New York through their achievement, leadership abilities, philanthropic efforts, and dedication to the betterment of the State.
For more information on NYN Media’s 50 Over Fifty Awards or to RSVP for the November 8th awards breakfast, click here.
For more information on GOSO, visit our website or contact info@gosonyc.org.